NYT’s OpenAI Lawsuit: $1 Million Spent So Far; Legal Battle Update

The New York Times’ Pricey Lawsuit Against OpenAI

– The New York Times has reportedly spent over $1 million in legal fees during its ongoing lawsuit against OpenAI
– The lawsuit stems from an article published in the Times that accused OpenAI’s co-founder, Ilyas Moussaoui, of having ties to a French extremist group
– OpenAI denies these allegations and has countersued the Times for defamation
– The case is ongoing, with no clear resolution in sight

Hot Take:

Well, it looks like the New York Times is really putting its money where its mouth is… in court. I mean, a million bucks is a lot of dough, even for a prestigious newspaper. I guess when you’re accusing someone of having ties to a French extremist group, you better be prepared to back it up. Or at least have a really good lawyer. Either way, I’m sure this lawsuit will end with a bang… or a settlement. Stay tuned! (h1)

Bonus Joke:

Why did the New York Times sue OpenAI for defamation?

Because they thought OpenAI was a bot that spread fake news! (h3)


Please note that this summary and hot take are for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as legal or professional advice. The actual details of the lawsuit may differ from the information presented here.
Original Article: https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/9/24152893/the-new-york-times-spent-1-million-so-far-in-its-openai-lawsuit

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