“Grief Meets AI: Communicating with the Deceased”

When Grief and AI Collide: A Unique Approach to Communicating with the Departed

Key Points:

A new app called “Eterneva” is offering a unique service:

The company uses AI and gemstone technology to create a “diamond” from a loved one’s cremated ashes.

The process involves:

The ashes are converted into a carbon source, which is then heated under high pressure and temperature to create a diamond. The diamond is then inscribed with a message or image of the deceased.

The app also includes:

A feature that allows users to record messages for their loved ones, which are then converted into text and stored in the cloud. The text is later converted into a Morse code pattern and inscribed on the diamond.

Users can communicate:

With their deceased loved ones by visiting the app and speaking into their device. The app uses AI to analyze the user’s speech patterns and convert them into Morse code, which is then transmitted to the diamond.

Hot Take:

Well, folks, it looks like we’ve officially entered the realm of the “after-byte.” With AI and gemstone technology, we can now communicate with our deceased loved ones through a diamond. I mean, talk about a diamond in the rough, am I right? But seriously, this is a fascinating and unique approach to dealing with grief. Who knows, maybe in the future, we’ll be able to create AI holograms of our loved ones, and they’ll be able to give us a good old-fashioned smack upside the head when we need it. Until then, I’ll be over here, waiting for my AI grandma to give me some sage advice and a warm hug in the form of a diamond. Rest in peace, and long live the AI dead! 💔💎 #AI #Grief #CommunicatingWithTheDead #Eterneva #DiamondsAreForever #HotTake.
Original Article: https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/06/tech/ai-communicating-with-dead/index.html

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