If you’ve been shelling out cash for YouTube Premium like it’s no big deal, here’s a little treat: you’re about to get your hands on some nifty new features to help justify that dent in your wallet. We’re talking about AI-powered skip buttons that catapult you to the “most popular part” of the video—perfect for our collective dwindling attention spans. Also on the menu are smart downloads and better navigation, because apparently, deciding on your own wasn’t cutting it anymore.
Apart from making us all feel like video VIPs with prime video shortcuts, YouTube is also doling out picture-in-picture support for YouTube Shorts. Yes, now you can watch a mini-video while texting, browsing, or doing a myriad of tasks on your phone, because who has the time to focus on just one thing these days? Multi-tasking is the new norm, and YouTube is here to hook us up with the tools to thrive in our chaotic, content-juggling lives.
On the “might work, might not” front, YouTube has slapped the experimental label on a few emerging delights. We’ve got smart downloads for Shorts, which means endless entertainment pockets for offline bingeing, and a chatty AI to answer your burning questions while you watch vids. There’s also a flashy redesign of the video watch page, just in case you wanted a new look to your endless scrolling experience. All these are still in the user-feedback phase, so who knows, you might get a say in their fate!
**Hot Take**
YouTube’s saying “Throw us some more coins each month, and we’ll make it worth your while with features you never knew you needed.” Who knew a subscription could feel like an all-you-can-eat buffet of tech treats? The only thing missing is an AI that whispers sweet affirmations after watching five hours of cat videos. Keep the changes coming, YouTube, we’re here for the chaotic good of content consumption!
Original Article: https://www.techradar.com/computing/internet/youtube-premium-subscribers-just-got-access-to-5-new-features