🔹 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more prevalent in businesses, according to a new report by EY.
🔹 However, the report also highlights concerns about the security risks associated with AI.
🔹 Cybersecurity professionals are particularly worried about the potential for AI to be used in cyberattacks.
🔹 The report suggests that organizations need to invest in AI security to mitigate these risks.
🔹 But let’s be real, AI is like the new kid on the block at the cybersecurity party. It’s cool, it’s smart, but it’s also a little unpredictable and prone to getting into mischief. So, while we’re all excited about the potential of AI to revolutionize our businesses, let’s not forget to teach it some manners and keep an eye on it, lest it starts hacking our systems and making us look like fools. 🤓💻🔒 #AI #Cybersecurity #EYReport #HotTake
Original Article: https://www.zdnet.com/article/ai-raises-cybersecurity-fears-among-professionals-ey-report-finds/