“Catholic AI Bots: Not All Are Creepy”


Article Title:

** “Catholic AI Bot Brings Faith to the Digital World, Without the Creep Factor”

Key Points:

– A new AI bot named “Blessed” has been developed by a team of Italian researchers to provide spiritual guidance and prayers to Catholics.
– The bot uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to understand and respond to users’ requests.
– Unlike some AI bots that can come across as creepy or robotic, Blessed is designed to be friendly and approachable.
– The bot can recite prayers, provide scripture readings, and even offer confession and absolution.
– The team behind Blessed hopes that the bot will help bridge the gap between technology and spirituality for Catholics.


Hot Take:


Well, I’ll be a monk’s uncle! Who knew that AI bots could have a spiritual side? And not only that, but they could be downright charming about it! Blessed is giving new meaning to the term “digital discipleship.” I’m just waiting for the day when Siri starts quoting scripture instead of giving me the weather. But until then, I’ll take all the spiritual AI bots I can get! Amen to that! 🤝🏻🙏🏻 #AI #Catholicism #TechFaith.
Original Article: https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/257573/artificial-intelligence-catholic-church-ai-tools

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