Article Summary: “There Will Be No Human-Centered AI Without Humane Economics”
– According to a new report from the MIT Technology Review, the development of human-centered AI is dependent on humane economics. (
MIT Tech Review
– Humane economics refers to an economic system that prioritizes the well-being of people and the planet over profit. (
Well-being and Planet
– The report argues that the current economic system incentivizes companies to prioritize short-term profits over long-term social benefits, which can lead to the misuse of AI. (
Misuse of AI
– To create human-centered AI, we need to rethink our economic priorities and create policies that encourage the development of AI that benefits society as a whole. (
Rethinking Economic Priorities
Hot Take:
Well, folks, it looks like we can’t have our AI and eat it too. According to this report, if we want to create AI that puts people first, we need to overhaul our entire economic system. I mean, talk about a tall order! It’s like trying to teach a room temperature goldfish to do calculus. But hey, if we want to avoid a future where robots enslave us all, I guess it’s worth a shot. So let’s all start lobbying our politicians for a more humane economic system, and in the meantime, let’s keep those AI developers in check. After all, we don’t want them creating sentient machines that demand better wages and benefits, do we? #AIforAll #HumaneEconomics #RobotRebellionAverted (for now)
Original Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/hamiltonmann/2024/05/06/there-will-be-no-human-centered-ai-without-humane-economics/